Clothing Swaps with BeReworn

Ever stood in front of your closet, overflowing with clothes, yet felt like you had nothing to wear? We’ve all been there. In a fast fashion world, it’s easy to accumulate pieces that quickly lose their spark. But what if there was a budget friendly way to refresh your wardrobe and do your part for the planet? Enter the clothing swap, a fun and sustainable way to breathe new life into your closet while fostering a sense of community.

A clothing swap is a fun gathering where you can bring clothes you no longer wear or need and exchange them with clothes other’s brought. Whether it’s a casual meet up with a few friends or a larger organized event, a clothing swap is a great way to give pre-loved clothing a new life. Some of my favorite clothing items are from swaps - I found an adorable cut-out sweater from a Remake clothing swap and one of my most worn skirts is one I swapped with my friend Sophia. I am also so much happier seeing my clothing go to friends rather than being sent off to the unknown. By swapping clothes rather than buying new, you are also:

  • Reducing Waste: Clothing swaps help reduce textile waste by extending the life cycle of garments. Instead of being discarded, clothes find new owners who will use them.

  • Minimizing Resource Consumption: Producing new clothing is a major contributor to carbon emissions and requires significant resources, including water and raw materials. Clothing swaps help lower the demand for new clothing production, which in turn reduces the industry's resource consumption and carbon footprint.

  • Encouraging a Circular Economy: Clothing swaps are a form of a circular economy, where products are kept in use for as long as possible, reducing the need for new production and waste disposal. Participating in clothing swaps encourages people to think more critically about their consumption habits, fostering a culture of reuse and mindful purchasing.

For this post, I’m thrilled to partner with BeReworn, an innovative new clothing swap platform that’s redefining sustainable fashion. BeReworn connects communities by helping users find and host slow fashion events in their area while providing access to a vibrant online network. Despite the growing popularity of clothing swaps worldwide, no single platform brings them all together—until now. BeReworn recognizes the challenges of organizing these events, which is why they offer hosts comprehensive tools to manage swaps effortlessly, including a starter pack with essentials like racks and hangers. By empowering users to take control of their sales and events and offering personalized 1:1 sessions, BeReworn makes hosting clothing swaps easier and more rewarding than ever.

BeReworn’s mission is to support those passionate about sustainable fashion and encourage a shift towards a more sustainable lifestyle, starting at your closet. As clothing swaps gain momentum globally, BeReworn is dedicated to connecting and empowering this movement. At BeReworn’s latest clothing swap, 375 clothing items were swapped, saving:

  • 255,255 gallons of water

  • 2,410 kilograms of CO2 emissions

  • 179 pounds of landfill waste

You can find BeReworn on Instagram @BeReworn and reach out to BeReworn at BeReworn is actively collaborating and growing the community! For events and volunteering, check For those in Detroit, MI, there will be a community meet up on Sep 7 and a clothing swap on Sep 14. For those in Los Angeles, there will be a clothing swap on Aug 31.


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